BlackBerry review a copy of the computers of the BBM program

Reviewed the Company "BlackBerry" version of the talks online hers "BlackBerry Messenger " BBM working on computers , during a conference BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013. Company said during the conference that the copy of computers will not work Kpr.h independent to run the talks , but will serve as a software linked to a copy of the software on smart phones. was "BlackBerry" has launched a version of the talks BBM for cell phones " iPhone " on Saturday , but they had to stop the application , and the postponement of the launch , both for the phones, " Apple" smart or for mobile operating system "Android" . noted Canadian company that copies that leaked from the application before its official release caused the occurrence of technical problems difficult to solve because of the approaching users that copy of one million , making it postponed the launch indefinitely . intends to "BlackBerry" not to put a computing program of BBM before launch Forum phones, " iPhone " mobile operating system " Android " , so the company did not specify Canadian specific date for detecting copy computers, and merely certainly it will work on the development of that version until the official launch . mentions that the launch of a copy of the computers of the BBM makes application a competitor to the software Conversation via the Internet that provide users with copies of working on their computers personal applications , most notably " WattsUp " and " Viper "

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