Apple displaces Coca-Cola and become the highest value on the world

According to the report , " Interbrand " specialized in consulting and brands owned by a group " Omnicom " , the company dropped the " Coca-Cola " to third place , behind the "Apple " and " Google" that captured the second place.It is noteworthy that the company " Interbrand " Each year the establishment of annual list of the top 100 brand value since 2000 , which is based Acharkhalaalmih which is headquartered in New York City , in its annual report , the perceptions of the market and the standards of financial performance and geographical coverage and other criteria.It is interesting to consider the report is the control of technology companies on the 6 centers of Top Ten , where it came from the company " IBM " (IBM) in fourth place , then " Microsoft" Bav , and " Samsung " and " Intel "  VIII and IX.The estimated value of the brand of the company " Apple" to 98.3 billion U.S. dollars , with an average increase over last year 2012 by 28 %, while the estimated value of the company "Google" b 93.3 billion , but the average annual increase is greater than the "Apple " has reached to 34%.For comparison , the tops Order List of Companies Top commercial value around the world for the year 2012, "Coca-Cola ", then " Apple " and " IBM " P " Google " and " Microsoft ", then " Jnrak Electric ," and " McDonald , "then" Intel ", then" Samsung " P " Toyota " .

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