BlackBerry plans to launch low-cost phones

Intends to " BlackBerry" develop a range of low - cost mobile operating system " BP 10 ," the newest in the company , as a step to reform its ailing position in the smartphone market.
The company began developing the first American low-cost phones under the code name " Americano " It is a phone that you intend to launch a series called "Café" symbolized by the acronym letter "C".
It is expected to provide the " Americano " screen measuring 4.2 inches accurately high-definition ( HD ) and the degree of clarity and 720 × 1280 Kassala , supported by NVIDIA " Snabdragon 400" dual-core " Qualcomm " so as highlighted in the report of the site , " BP " The Indian on the news Canadian company .
Indian and swarm the site said it was picture of the new phone , which is showing that the phone will be designed similar to a certain extent for the design of the latest phones "BlackBerry" It is a phone Z30.
The " Blackberry " revealed phone Z30 days ago , which has touch screen full measure five inches , and works version 10.2 latest operating platform , " BP 10" and provided the processor speed 1.7 GHz processor with graphics quad-core , and a capacity phone battery to 2880 ms Ampera .The company is trying Canadian strengthen their position in the smartphone market , especially since the company is facing stiff competition from major companies such as "Samsung " and " Apple" making it incurred last period large losses, which paid for the restructuring to abandon its 4500 employees, is also considering a number of options strategy to save itself from itself up for sale .

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